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AARC Members Talk with Media to Educate the Public


AARC member Vickie Bell, RRT, RRT-ACCS, was featured in an article in the Ashe Post & Times about her receipt of the Abby and Gordon Burns Distinguished Faculty Award at Wilkes Community College. Read it Here

AARC members Morgan Murphy and Susan Wynn, MS, RRT, were featured in an article in The Tribune about the tuition assistance program at their facility that has allowed Morgan to study to be an RT. Read it Here

AARC member Mandy De Vries, MS-RCL/Ed, RRT, RRT-NPS, was featured in an article on about the downsides to mouth breathing. Read it Here

AARC member David Scott, RRT, was featured in a Letter to the Editor in the Enterprise-Record about free home medical equipment like CPAP machines being offered to members of the community. Read it Here


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