By Debbie Bunch
April 25, 2024
AARC member Jerry King, MAEd, RRT, was featured in an article on the University of West Alabama website about a new respiratory care program in the works at the university. Read it Here
AARC member Nickie Brayton, RRT, was featured in an article and video on keyt.com about the personalized watercolor paintings she creates for parents and families of newborns being treated in her NICU. Read and Watch it Here
AARC member Kim Parker, RRT, RRT-ACCS, RPFT, was featured in an article on the TapintoNorth Hunderdon website about how she performed the Heimlich Maneuver on a coworker who developed difficulties breathing while they were out to lunch. Read it Here
AARC member Brooke Owen, MSN, RN RRT, RRT-NPS, was featured in a “Faculty Feature” interview on the Stark State College website highlighting her role as program director of respiratory care. Read it Here
AARC members Kristina Boucher, RRT, and Samantha Woodhouse, RRT, were featured in an article on the Flack Broadcasting website about Kristina’s receipt of the Employee of the Year award from the Lewis County Health System. Read it Here