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Neonatal–Pediatrics Specialty Section

For medically fragile children in need of specialized services to transition from hospital to home.

Very low birthweight infants requiring the most sophisticated respiratory care. Medically fragile children in need of specialized services to transition from hospital to home. Young asthma patients who can’t participate in the same activities other kids do because of their disease. If this is your world, then the Neonatal-Pediatric Section is the place for you! It’s the only community of RTs in the nation focusing specifically on the care and treatment of our youngest patients.

Take a look at what we have to offer:

  • Our bimonthly Neonatal-Pediatrics Section Newsletters keeps you informed about the latest news and research on neonatal and pediatric respiratory care.
  • Our AARConnect community gives you the chance to communicate directly with fellow section members.
  • Our Resource Directory provides a link to experts in various areas of neonatal-pediatric care who have volunteered to address your questions and concerns one-on-one.
  • And our web page is your best bet for neonatal-pediatric care links, resources, and more.

With more than 1,000 members, our section also holds a seat on the AARC Board of Directors, which gives us all a direct line to key decision makers in the Association and assures the needs of our patients receive the attention they deserve.

So come join us. You’ll be glad you did.

More Information

For more information contact Emilee Lamorena, MS, RRT, RRT-NPS, our Neonatal-Pediatric Section chair, at:

Not a section member?

Call AARC Customer Service at (972) 243-2272 to add a specialty section to your membership.