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Indirect Bronchoprovocation, Better than a Methacholine Challenge?

About This Course

In this session focused on bronchoprovocation tests, the presenter will focus on indirect bronchoprovocation. Indirect bronchoprovocation testing is focused on producing reactions in the airway smooth muscle cells by stimulating airway inflammatory cells and demonstrates high specificity and relatively low sensitivity. This presentation will differentiate indirect bronchoprovocation from direct and explore the effectiveness of various types of indirect testing.

Successful completion of this course requires a score of 70% on the post-test.

Original webcast date: September 10, 2019

**Please note that all programs require the participant to view the entire program prior to taking the final quiz and obtaining a course certificate.**

Seminar Objectives

Understand the indications and contraindications for bronchoprovocation testing

Knowledge of the different types of bronchoprovocation challenges, direct and indirect

Mannitol bronchoprovocation testing

Exercise bronchoprovocation testing


Speaker Information
  • Karina Keogh, MD