Today, AARC joined with 123 leading civil rights, public health, medical, faith, youth-serving, and other organizations urging the Biden Administration to issue final rules prohibiting menthol cigarettes and flavored cigars. This coalition also placed a full-page ad in the Washington Post highlighting the importance of this issue. AARC has long been a staunch advocate for public health initiatives aimed at reducing the prevalence of smoking and improving respiratory health outcomes for all Americans.
AARC’s President, Carl Hinkson, MSc, RRT noted, “The decision to exclude menthol cigarette products and RT input from the recent Department of Health and Human Services Framework for tobacco cessation represents another significant missed opportunity to mitigate smoking’s adverse health effects, especially in vulnerable communities, including racial and ethnic minorities, low-income individuals, and those with mental health conditions. The proposal and the lack of action by the Biden Administration undermines the equity-focused approach espoused by the framework by failing to adequately address smoking-related disparities in these marginalized populations,” said Hinkson.
Take action and share this important message by visiting AARC’s social media pages.