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Member Mel C. Glenn Keeps Passion for Learning and Profession for More than 50 Years


Dr. Mel C. Glenn, Sr.’s BA, MA, CCE, DD, JD, CRT, RCP career in respiratory therapy began in March 1972 a hospital-based respiratory care program but knew he was not where he should be career-wise.

“At the age of six, I was diagnosed with intrinsic asthma. We lived less than 300 yards from a ragweed field. I had a flare-up of my condition that year after going out to play football with my brothers and some friends on the field. I became extremely ill, and there were no treatments in 1957 for acute asthma exacerbation,” said Glenn.

His parents tried every home remedy possible, including ice baths and rubbing alcohol. “I remember praying, asking the Lord, if I lived beyond that night, that I wanted to attend college to help people breathe.”

After being in respiratory care for several years and obtaining a Bachelor of Arts and master’s degree in theology from Selma University/Rushing Springs, he enrolled in the Respiratory Therapy program at the University of Alabama Birmingham in 1978. After completing the program, the NBRC credentialed him in November 1980. “Even after returning to college for further studies, my first passion has always been and will always be respiratory care medicine,” said Glenn.

He decided to enhance his career and skills even further and went to law school in 1995, hoping to learn more about the business aspects of healthcare and law. Even after graduating from law school, he continues to learn and has enrolled in Harvard X Distant Learning program, where he takes a class every six months in a topic related to medicine or law.

Glenn stays busy working 35 to 45 hours weekly at Grandview Freestanding ER in Birmingham, Alabama, doing routine and critical care modalities for respiratory patients. He also owns Glenn Medical Consulting, LLC, working 20 to 25 hours a week with hospitals, clinics, and colleges/universities throughout Birmingham.  

“I have been privileged for the past 45 years to serve as a consultant for new respiratory therapy programs, having consulted on 31 new programs,” said Glenn. “I think I’m the oldest active practicing respiratory care therapist at 73 – my goal is to keep working until age 89 or 90. All of my success is due to the Lord and for me it’s all about serving people. It’s unique because some of my students or their parents are coming back through now, and that’s especially rewarding.”

My grandfather, father, and Coach Nick Saban said, “If you find your passion in life, you will never have to work another day, and this is exactly what respiratory therapy has been and done for me.”


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