With a career spanning patient care, disease management, and leadership, Jakki Grimball, RRT, AE-C, PAHM, FAARC has dedicated decades to advancing respiratory care. Her journey began at Midlands Technical College in South Carolina, leading her to Jackson Memorial Hospital’s NICU in Miami before returning home to work in pediatric and home care settings. In 2000, she transitioned into Population Health and Disease Management at BlueChoice HealthPlan, serving 24 years in various roles.
Her passion for respiratory care was personal—growing up with asthma and witnessing her sister and aunt struggle with the condition fueled her commitment to patient advocacy. She became South Carolina’s first person to be Asthma Educator-Certified (AE-C) and has remained deeply engaged in professional leadership.
This Black History Month, we honor Jakki Grimball for her lasting impact on respiratory care, leadership, and the AARC.