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Respiratory Diagnostics Specialty Section

Keep up to date in the exciting field of Respiratory Diagnostics

Whether you work full time in a pulmonary function lab or only do an occasional bedside test, if you’re fascinated by the rapidly developing field of respiratory diagnostics, you’ll find what you’re looking for in the Respiratory Diagnostic Section:

  • Our bimonthly respiratory diagnostic email newsletter keeps you informed about the latest news and research on respiratory diagnostics, pulmonary function testing, and sleep medicine.
  • Our AARConnect community gives you the chance to communicate directly with fellow section members.
  • Our respiratory diagnostic resource directory provides a link to experts in various areas of diagnostics who have volunteered to address your questions and concerns one-on-one.
  • And our web page is your best bet for respiratory diagnostics links, resources, and more.

We also provide the AARC with regular updates on issues important to our area of practice, ensuring your concerns receive the attention they deserve.

So come join us! You’ll be glad you did.

More Information

For more information contact Kenny Harker, RRT, RPFT, our Diagnostic Section chair, at:

Not a section member?

Call AARC Customer Service at (972) 243-2272 to add a specialty section to your membership.