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About This Course

Respiratory therapists are frequently engaged in challenging ethical issues in the workplace. In this presentation, an ethical foundation will be presented and the panel of presenters and the audience will function as an ethics committee. Through a series of critical thinking questions, the audience will participate in the evaluation of the cases and identification of potential resolutions

Original Webcast Date January 27, 2021

**Please note that all programs require the participant to view the entire program prior to taking the final quiz and obtaining a course certificate.**

Seminar Objectives

Discuss a systematic method to evaluating ethics cases in healthcare

Identify the main ethical issues in the cases presented

Identify ethically supported options for case resolution


Speaker Information
  • Melissa Ash, BS, RRT, RRT-ACCS
  • Joel Brown, MS, RRT, FAARC
  • Karsten Roberts, MSc, RRT, RRT-ACCS