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COVID-19: Early Critical Care Bedside and Operational Lessons

About This Course

The US has been preparing for an influenza pandemic for several years. However, the current pandemic caused by novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) has demanded flexibility and unique responses from the health care system in general and respiratory therapists specifically. This presentation will focus on what we know to date about the COVID-19 pandemic and lessons learned from both a clinical and operations perspective.

Successful completion of this course requires a score of 70% on the post-test.

Original webcast date: May 26, 2020

**Please note that all programs require the participant to view the entire program prior to taking the final quiz and obtaining a course certificate.**

Seminar Objectives

Discuss the evolution of evidence regarding COVID-19

Identify safety measures necessary for the protection of staff and patients

Discuss the evolving COVID-19 treatment paradigm

Discuss the challenges with meeting critical care surge during a pandemic


Speaker Information
  • Lewis Rubinson MD, PhD