Oct. 4–7, 2017

Indianapolis, IN

Congress Program Navigation

Pre-courses — Tuesday, Oct. 3

Maximize your attendance by registering for a Congress pre-course. All pre-courses will be held on Tuesday, Oct. 3, 2017 at one of the co-headquarters hotels.

If you have already registered for Congress you can add one of the pre-courses at a discounted rate by either:

  • Completing the printable registration form and returning it with a note indicating that you are already registered for Congress.
  • Calling Customer Service at (972) 243-2272.
Pre-courses Navigation

Teleflex-sponsored Pre-course

8:00 am–5:00 pm (lunch on your own)

Ultrasound Guided Peripheral Access Course

Applied for continuing education credits (CRCE). You must attend the entire course to receive CRCE credit; no partial credit will be awarded.


This 8 hour course provides best practices for ultrasound guided peripheral access insertion for new and experienced inserters. This program includes didactic and simulation training with rotations through hands-on stations reinforcing insertion practice and increasing procedural confidence. Hands-on stations including: compliance and device insertion, needling with ultrasound, RAPEVA assessment, device considerations and device management. A review and practice of aseptic technique including hand hygiene, gowning, gloving, establishing a sterile field, draping, proper dressing and securement of vascular access catheters will also be completed. Attending this course allows you to gain knowledge and comfort with proper insertion as well as, prevention, recognition and management of insertion-related complications with vascular access catheters.


See the Registration and Fees page for details.



8:00 am–8:15 am | Room TBA

Introductions and Course Overview

Amy Bardin

8:20 am–9:20 am | Room TBA

Accountable for Vessel Health and Preservation

Amy Bardin MS RRT VA-BC , Scottsdale AZ

9:25 am–10:25 am | Room TBA

Ultrasound Essentials

Darla Tarvin RN VA-BC

10:25 am–10:40 am | Room TBA


Keegan Mahoney

10:40 am–11:40 am | Room TBA

Understanding Catheter To Vessel Ratios

Keegan Mahoney BS RRT VA-BC, Mesa AZ


11:40 am–12:25 pm | Room TBA

Rotation 1 (Compliance and Device Insertion)

12:25 pm–1:25 pm | Room TBA

Lunch (On your own)

1:25 pm–2:10 pm | Room TBA

Rotation 2 (Needling with Ultrasound)

2:15 pm–3:00 pm | Room TBA

Rotation 3 (RAPEVA Assessment)

3:05 pm–3:50 pm | Room TBA

Rotation 4 (Device Considerations)

3:55 pm–4:40 pm | Room TBA

Rotation 5 (Device Management)

4:45 pm–5:00 pm | Room TBA

Wrap-up & Adjournment

Monaghan-sponsored Pre-course

1:00 pm–5:00 pm

RT Leader Workshop: Defining and Communicating The Value

Applied for continuing education credits (CRCE). You must attend the entire course to receive CRCE credit; no partial credit will be awarded.


Unless you can see into the future, RT leaders cannot predict the future of health care. However, everything points in the continued direction of replacing volume with value. For RT leaders, we must direct practice according to science, employ patient-focused respiratory care protocols, and measure the impact of our services in terms of quality improvement, cost management, and satisfaction.

This workshop is expressly designed to provide the RT leader with the insight into senior executives’ focus and priorities, examining the science that supports our services, how to properly define productivity, and how to market your value as an RT leader.

This will include both lecture and interactive sessions, with the goal of providing the attendees with an implementable action plan to demonstrate, document, and communicate the value of you as a health care leader and the value of the services your department provides.


See the Registration and Fees page for details.

Garry Kauffman MPA RRT FACHE FAARC H. David Mantz, MBA, RRT-NPS Judy Schloss RRT-NPS AE-C

1:00 pm–5:00 pm | Room TBA | Clinical Practice

H. David Mantz MBA RRT-NPS
Judy Schloss RRT-NPS AE-C

AARC Pre-course

1:00 pm–5:00 pm

Preparing for a Pandemic: The Strategic National Stockpile — Mechanical Ventilation Workshop

Approved for 3.25 hours of continuing education credits (CRCE). You must attend the entire course to receive CRCE credit; no partial credit will be awarded.


Pandemic events present multiple challenges to the health care environment and the ability of the respiratory therapist to provide mechanical ventilation to all persons in need. The Strategic National Stockpile is a repository of ventilators that would be used to supplement the supply currently in use by the nation’s acute care facilities. These ventilators can be requested and allocated to areas of need in the event of a pandemic.

Learning Objectives

  • Discuss the issues that would be encountered regarding pandemic events and the need for mechanical ventilation.
  • Describe capabilities of the three SNS ventilators.
  • Identify how the SNS ventilators are allocated and utilized during a pandemic event.
  • Identify how the SNS ventilators are stored and maintained.


See the Registration and Fees page for details.

Dario Rodriquez

1:00 pm–1:30 pm | Room TBA | Adult Critical Care

Mass Respiratory Failure

Dario Rodriquez MS RRT RPFT FAARC, Union KY

This session will focus on how a pandemic event will impact acute care facilities and the provision of mechanical ventilation. The respiratory therapist’s role in these events will also be discussed.

Richard Branson

1:35 pm–2:05 pm | Room TBA | Adult Critical Care

RT Roles in Mass Respiratory Failure

Richard Branson MSc RRT FAARC, Cincinnati OH

This session will concentrate specifically on the respiratory therapist’s role in mass respiratory failure.

Catherine Mitchell

2:10 pm–2:40 pm | Room TBA | Adult Critical Care

SNS Stockpile: Ventilator Allocation, Storage and Maintenanc

Catherine Mitchell MSN BSN RN, Atlanta GA

This session will describe how SNS ventilators are requested and delivered. In addition, the presenter will discuss how the SNS ventilators are stored and maintained.

Richard Branson

2:55 pm–3:25 pm | Room TBA | Adult Critical Care

A Clinician’s Perspective: The SNS Ventilators

Richard Branson MSc RRT FAARC, Cincinnato OH

The Strategic National Stockpile consists of three specific mechanical ventilators. This session will discuss the capabilities of all three mechanical ventilators.

Richard BransonDario Rodriquez

3:30 pm–5:00 pm | Room TBA | Adult Critical Care

SNS Hands on Ventilator Training

Richard Branson MSc RRT FAARC, Cincinnati OH
Dario RodriquezMS RRT RPFT FAARC Union KY

This session will provide the respiratory therapist with the opportunity to gain hands-on experience with all three SNS ventilators.
